Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ciudadanía digital

   ¿Qué es ser un ciudadano digital?

 ¿Sobre qué temas debería saber para ser un  buen ciudadano digital?

Nos hicimos estas preguntas en la clase de hoy, aprendiendo de esta forma que:

Ser un ciudadano digital es ser responsable en nuestras búsquedas, citando las fuentes del material extraído de internet.
También es muy importante en este concepto el respeto mutuo en tanto y en cuanto, somos partes de redes sociales que caracterizan nuestro comportamiento en la red.

Debería tener conocimientos de cómo buscar en internet exhaustivamente, un manejo adecuado de la computadora y saber comportarme en una red social. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

All About me...

We have started classes again!
Do we know all our classmates? Perhaps we know some, but we don't know the others... 
How much do we know about each one?
Let's start introducing ourselves! But with more than words!

The Task:

You will have to make a presentation in PowerPoint, in English, introducing yourself to other classmates.

The Process:

  • You can work in groups of two, but each one of you have to make your own presentation. You can work cooperatively.
  • The PowerPoint presentation must have 3 or 4 slides.
  • You must use English language for your presentation.


  1. You have to take a digital photography of yourself to include in the first slide and save it in the folder that your teachers will tell you.
  2. In the next slides you will have to describe:
  • Your favourite meals
  • Your favourite music and
  • Your favourite actor/actress.

Let's do it kids! Good luck!