Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Last links

I proposed you the following links to try in theese last days of class.

For programming:

Mind storm game:




Well done kids!

Monday, December 9, 2013

¡Felices Vacaciones!

¡¡Merecidas vacaciones chicos!!

Les deseamos los que conformamos el ITDept de VDS

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thinking on a good nutrition

Let's play this game, that will make us think on a good nutrition.

Well done kids!!

Working with QR codes

We met the QR Codes for our first time.

We learned what they were useful for! 

 Working in the same subject that history: Water pollution because of the Industrial Revolution, we looked for videos and sites. 

 Then we get into a page on line that let us build QR Codes, and we did some of them. 

It was an interesting experience! 

 Well Done Kids!!